Saturday, January 30, 2010

Koh Phi Phi, Krabi, Thailand

After island hoping once again, I have now landed in Koh Phi Phi (the h's are silent) for a few nights. Yesterday was spent on a speed boat to Koh Lanta, where I email bombed the world while I had wifi for a few minutes, then proceeded by ferry to Phi Phi. Now that I have seen Lanta and Phi Phi, I am starting recognize the Thailand that I saw 10 years ago. The isolated islands that we were at before did not look anything like what I remembered of Thailand. Now, I am back in familiar territory and feel a little more at ease amongst the chaos.

Phi Phi is a location that I have visited in the past, but is another location that was drastically affected by the tsunami (that's the hotel I'm staying in by the way). I'm guessing that this island had changed a lot before the disaster, but since then this place appears to be thriving as a tourist destination. It's substantially larger than I recall.

Anyways, I have kept myself busy with various walks, runs, boat rides since my last post and as a result I have had several issues. The biggest issue seemed to be a blister on my foot that I got from running my first day in Koh Mook (squeemish people should stop reading now). I ran 5km along the beach barefoot and as a result I developed a blister on my 2nd toe on my left foot (I had several blisters too, but they weren't problems). So after a day of rest, I ran again on the beach, this time 9-10km and I noticed that my toe really started to hurt, but I didn't think much of it because everything hurt. After some rest, my feet started to feel normal but my 2nd toe remained in agony. I left it for a day where it got bad enough that I couldn't feel the toe because it was numb with pain. After telling my mom about it she freaked out and told me to pop the blister. I went up to my room with a sewing kit, scissors, band-aids, tissues, and ointment and went to work. First I tried to pop the blister, but nothing came out which did not make any sense. So I cut it open further to find out that the blister had filled with sand, probably from the second run in Mook. At that point I realized that I needed to cut the entire blister off to get rid of all the sand. And if that isn't gross enough, after getting rid of the excess skin and sand, I discovered two more blisters underneath the sand blister. The numbing pain was starting to make sense. Anyways, I have cleaned everything up and I can walk pain-free once again.

And because I have no pictures to show you today I will give you one more story. Today my parents met up with a friend of theirs who is from the UK originally, now lives in Hong Kong and vacations in Phuket. This gentlemen brought along a friend of him who seems to be a recreation of the Most Interesting Man in the World. After spending 4 hours on a boat with him, here are some of the highlights of his life:
- lives in LA, vacations in Thailand
- produces movies
- owns a Siberian tiger (he has pictures with him)
- appearently Sean Penn owes him a favour and is going to do a movie for him
- was telling us about how he was hanging out with Oliver Stone on the set of Alexander
- father was a world class motorcycle racer
- rides motorcycles better than you
- owns a Buell motorcycle
- recently was hit on a scooter by a drunk driver causing a $100,000 hospital bill

That is all for now. Hoping that I have good internet in Phuket. Talk to you soon.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Koh Mook, Trang, Thailand

My adventure around Thailand continues as I have now left Koh Lipe for the even more remote Koh Mook. The island itself is actually fairly close to the mainland and the city of Trang, but there are only a couple of resorts, with most of the residents being fishermen (fisher-people?). This island was mostly destroyed in 2006 by the tsunami and there has been significant investment in the reconstruction of the fishing industry and rebuilding the homes of the local residents. It's been great to wander around and see only Thai people. I know we're in a more remote location because once you get out of the resorts, the calculators come out (the calculator is the means of communication between tourists and locals when relating to all things money).

On the way to Koh Mook, we were lucky enough to take a speed boat across the Andaman Sea at approx 35-40 mph. The first half of the trip was extremely bumpy and hard on the body, but the rest was just plain awesome.

So because of the lack of internet availability here (I have found 3 internet capable computers totals), I will be not posting any images until I hit 'civilization' again. To whet your appetite, here's what we will be coming:
- remainder of photos from Koh Lipe
- video of the speed boat ride
- photos from Koh Mook

Talk to you soon.

PS If you heard any rumours about a nasty sunburn, they are 100% true. It's hilarious, horrible and painful. Hopefully it turns to a tan shortly.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


It has been brought to my attention that anyone wishing to post a comment on my blog must have a Google account. Well, I think that is silly, so I have now changed the settings so that anyone and everyone can now post comments on this blog. Feel free to comment away, even the spammers are welcome.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Koh Lipe, Satun, Thailand (3)

It's been a long time since I have been able to provide you with any video updates, but rest assured that I have still been taking videos. Here is a compilation of the best videos so far.








Thursday, January 21, 2010

Koh Lipe, Satun, Thailand (2)

I have arrived in my latest breath-taking destination of Koh Lipe. This is a small remote island in the Andaman Sea. There are several islands around us here that are much larger but are generally unhabitated. The travel to Lipe was interesting in ways that only travel can be in Thailand. We started with a long-tail boat ride which we inadvertently took to the wrong place.We managed to swing it so our bus would come pick us up, which astonishingly, worked. We traveled by mini-bus for two hours to a random pier where we caught out next boat ride to Koh Lipe.

We are currently staying at the Mountain Resort which is home to one of the nicest views and beaches I've ever seen. I will likely be out in full photographic force in a few once I get over whatever illness I have acquired. Until then, enjoy these few photos from my recent travels and my first night in Lipe.



Koh Lipe, Satun, Thailand

On Tuesday, it was the one month anniversary of the beginning of this year-long fiasco (beginning the day I finished work). To mark the occasion, I have compiled all my Facebook Status updates from that period. This is meant to be a treat to anyone that follows this blog. If you are friends with me on Facebook then just skip this post. If you don't know what Facebook is, then I would like to introduce you to the internet, a powerful source of information created by Al Gore. Enjoy.

Gibby Davis cranked the crazy-knob up to 10 this morning, right before it broke off. Gunna be a weird one today.
December 18, 2009 at 6:23am

Gibby Davis has cleared out his work email, changed his work phone, trained his replacement, is saying his goodbyes (for now). This is really happening. Wow
December 18, 2009 at 4:10pm

Gibby Davis is hanging out in the 1980's trailer park. NWT-style.
December 19, 2009 at 1:17pm

Gibby Davis is about to fly Buffalo to Hay River. Pray for me.
December 20, 2009 at 3:22pm

Gibby Davis is celebrating Winter Solstice with sleep deprivation.
December 21, 2009 at 8:31am

Gibby Davis is now a certified dog musher.
December 21, 2009 at 3:18pm

Gibby Davis has successfully returned to Sherwood Park for one last night. Survived NWT.
December 21, 2009 at 11:18pm

Gibby Davis is now officially homeless and Saskatoon bound.
December 22, 2009 at 9:20am

Gibby Davis thinks having no job, and therefore minimal responsibilities, is causing insomnia.
December 25, 2009 at 1:03am

Gibby Davis is going to cheer on Team Canada today. Then he's going to flee the country...
December 26, 2009 at 9:39am

Gibby Davis has seen too many roadside pee'ers today.
December 27, 2009 at 12:08pm

Gibby Davis thinks you probably shouldn't make potentially life-altering decisions after watching Jersey Shore.
December 27, 2009 at 1:55pm

Gibby Davis is updating his FB from an airplane. That's a first.
December 27, 2009 at 6:35pm

Gibby Davis is going off the grid for a few days. See you on the other side.
December 29, 2009 at 1:23pm

Gibby Davis is updating his status from the Icebreaker in Fort Simpson. Stay classy.
December 30, 2009 at 1:57am

Gibby Davis shot his first live round today. And his 2nd, and 3rd. Sorry Granny.
December 30, 2009 at 10:48pm

Gibby Davis is not sure what just happened. Here's to an interesting 2010.....starting tomorrow.
January 1 at 2:11am

Gibby Davis is continuing on the Sleep Deprivation Tour. Back in NWT after visiting BC. His goal for tonight is to sleep for kore than an hour.
January 1 at 7:20pm

Gibby Davis is losing his voice for the second time in 3 days. It's probably for the best cause he's got nothing important to say.
January 1 at 10:55pm

Gibby Davis just went dancing at a country bar....and had fun. Alright, it's officially time to come home.
January 3 at 1:59am

Gibby Davis is returning to the south (Saskatoon via Edmonton). Voice is shot. Sleep habits are shot. Health is shot. Emotions are shot. Bank account took a hit. Great trip :)
January 3 at 8:29pm

Gibby Davis had to go 14 hours without Internet access. I think I have the shakes.
January 4 at 9:14am

Gibby Davis is going to cheer on the Swiss. Go neutrality!
January 5 at 1:07pm

Gibby Davis is experiencing some exfreme nostalgia, wandering the U of S.
January 6 at 10:21am

Gibby Davis is counting down to take-off. T-minus 24 hours....
January 6 at 2:32pm

Gibby Davis thinks that if there was ever a time to believe in himself, this is it. Guess it's time to learn to do that.
January 7 at 10:10am

Gibby Davis is off...
January 7 at 1:54pm

Gibby Davis is going to explore downtown Van and hopefully have a sushi dinner.
January 7 at 5:47pm

Gibby Davis will be flying over the Pacific Ocean shortly.
January 8 at 2:10pm

Gibby Davis has landed in Bangkok.
January 9 at 8:57am

Gibby Davis is staying up past midnight, 14 times zones over. Ugh.
January 9 at 9:14am

Gibby Davis is on the boat to Koh Tao. Get to rest in 2 hours. Finally.
January 9 at 10:28pm

Gibby Davis has survived the crazy travel days. Airport shuttle, 13 hour plane ride, 20 minute sprint, 3 hour plane ride, two 30 minute cab rides, 1 hour flight, 15 minute bus ride, 2 hour ferry ride, 10 minute walk and I arrived.
January 10 at 6:03pm

Gibby Davis is currently accepting applications for a Personal Sunscreen Applier. Serious applicants only. Must be willing to travel.
January 11 at 5:07am

Gibby Davis survived his first near-death experience of the trip. Dehydrated and lost in the jungle for an hour. Hahaha, whoops!
January 11 at 8:06pm

Gibby Davis knows it was a good 4 hour hike when he got home and just threw his socks directly into the garbage.
January 11 at 8:13pm

Gibby Davis would like to thank the Tommy Resort for their unsecured wifi which is currently supporting my Internet addiction.
January 13 at 12:41am

Gibby Davis loves watching locals talk on their cell phone while driving a motorcycle.
January 13 at 1:21am

Gibby Davis there is somethig about 4 guys in speedos sitting in a circle that makes me laugh.
January 13 at 4:03am

Gibby Davis just saw a guy with a badmiton racket on the beach. He was playing with an imaginary birdie and an imaginary partner. Awesome. Someday that's going to be me.
January 13 at 4:04am

Gibby Davis is still waiting for his first epic Thai sunset.
January 13 at 4:09am

Gibby Davis has completely lost track of days of the week. Unemployment is fantastic.
January 14 at 8:13pm

Gibby Davis has learned how to apply sunscreen to his entire back by himself. This is due to the lack of interest in the sunscreen applier position.
January 14 at 8:13pm

Gibby Davis is disgusted by his own hair. It's an unsafe combo of sweat, sunscreen, hairspray, salt water and shame.
January 14 at 8:15pm

Gibby Davis saw a barracuda yesterday.
January 15 at 7:12pm

Gibby Davis has been in the sun for too long to still be this pasty-white.
January 15 at 7:12pm

Gibby Davis thinks the chest hair-free Europeans have an unfair advantage. How am I supposed to compete?
January 15 at 7:13pm

Gibby Davis has uploaded pictures. A lot of pictures. Beware. I will get more pictures up soon.
January 16 at 11:00pm

Gibby Davis can't wait to get to Oz where the typical building isn't designed for people under 5'6. My head hurts.
January 17 at 7:15pm

Gibby Davis is traveling to Railay Beach today. Ferry, mini-bus, long-tail.
January 17 at 7:18pm

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Railay Beach, Krabi, Thailand

I am currently in Railay Beach, but as I have been unable to upload any pictures since I hit Thailand. Consider this my apology. PICTURE DUMP!



Koh Tao at Night

Trip to National Park

Walk to Tanote Bay & Two View

Random Walk


Random Koh Tao

Plants and Flowers
