Monday, February 22, 2010

Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

My undefined travel plans have now come to fruition and have also been given a definition. I have arrived safely in Hobart (which sucessfully checks another state off my list) and I am planning on staying 2 more nights (3 in total) before returning to Melbourne.

So far Hobart has been alright, but definitely a significant change of pace from the lifestyle that I was experiencing in Melbourne. Hobart is much more of a small city as is evidenced by the fact that I couldn't find a place to buy a pop at 7:30 at night while walking downtown. The scenery is good and the history is better. I find the more I look around the more I find in this city.

The best part so far is the temperature. I went for a run yesterday in the middle of the afternoon (for the first time this trip) and it wasn't a million degrees. I could run for long distances without needing water like I had before. I found when I finished that I was barely even sweating. I quite enjoyed the run, and enjoyed even more that I didn't have to wake up at 6am to run in decent temperatures.

My time in Hobart ends (for now) on Wednesday morning when I make my return to Melbourne. When I return to Melbourne, I will be officially on the prowl for employment. I've already got a few prospects, so hopefully it won't take too long to get settled.

As for pictures, I have only just recently (today) begun taking pictures, so, as of now there remains to be any photographic proof of my trip to Tassie.

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